Content I Contemplated

An edited selection of content that helped me think deeper. Most of these pieces are from non-Muslim sources because they tend to explain things in a practical way. 


SPEECHES, interviews and movies

Steve Jobs - I heard this two min clip about 5 years ago and it was the first thing that really got me thinking differently about my place in the world. 

The Secret - I was blown away to hear dua' described in a secular way as the Law of Attraction and how that people were using it to manifesting their desires in this life. I wanted to find a Islamic analog to the practical tips that were provided in the movie (it's also a book). A friend told me about Visionaire, a dua' class by Muhammad Alshareef which helped me understand Allah's magnificence and care for us which was critical for me to have a positive mindset towards Allah. More recently I connected with Ihsan Torabi who has an excellent Islamic Meditation and Law of Attraction course.

Oprah Winfrey - This was the best example of letting go I've heard so far. I love how clearly she shared her feelings and the time she took to work through her her emotions. 

JK Rowling - I found it telling that her success came after she was at rock bottom and decided to trust herself and pursue what she had inside of her instead of taking any random job.  

Simon Sinek - His explanation of starting with our why really struck me. 

Beautiful Names of Allah - By Yasir Qadhi, this really helped to remind me of the awesomeness of Allah and the love he has for me and all of us. It has become easier for me to believe and love Allah when I know more about Him.  

The Matrix - This is the most powerful movie I've every watched to illustrate how our minds create our reality. It made me really examine what I believe, what I focus on and why. The physical manifestations we see in this world make more sense when I consider that came out of thoughts and beliefs rather than by luck, hard work or chance.  

The Truman Show - I believe that our life has been designed just for us. Everything we see, hear and experience is to help us grow and understand and become closer to Allah and the Truth. This movie allowed me to visualize that and question the meaning behind coincidences and inconsistencies in my life. 

A Wrinkle In Time - I watched the movie and felt it described the dark work and effect of shaytan over the world so visibly. It also showed how courage and appreciating our own 'flaws' and individuality are actually our strengths and that when we can love ourselves and each other we will defeat shaytan. After the movie I got the book which I found to have even more depth. 


Articles, Blogs and Books

Love People, Not Pleasure - New York Times article that gives the formula for happiness that I found poignant.

In the Footsteps of the Prophet by Tariq Ramadan- To me this is the most thoughtful seerah of the Prophet (pbuh) that I find myself returning to again and again. 

Mastering Letting Go - Another gem from Oprah, its helped me to reduce stress, resentment and anger. 

How to Become a Remarkable Person - I found this to be a practical explanation of the concept of Ihsan.  

The Four Agreements - by don Miguel Ruiz I loved the simple chart he has of the 4 agreements that are straigforward. Applying them is a huge challenge but that's the work. 

5 Questions to Ask Yourself - As I began to understand myself and the world better this helped me think about what my purpose and role in it is. 

Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck - I looked past the cursing and found his frame of reference powerful in helping me think through what it is that I truly care about. 


I'd love to hear about anything that has helped you reflect- let me know